crash course creator

How will your learner digest your knowledge so it sticks?

Like a smell can ingnite a memory, when we learn we usually relate it to something we’ve experienced so it sticks.  Knowledge is what we call a collection of facts we have gathered from our enviornment, the world and through solving problems.  This knowledge is usually stored in our long term memories.  Every day common …

How will your learner digest your knowledge so it sticks? Read More »

Wisdome Planning Checklist

The first step is to figure out what type of membership or subscription you want to start. The most common type of content-based membership is an online membership where members have access to certain content, advice, tools, etc. You can offer a monthly course, digital newsletter, articles, how-to information, demonstrations, and more.…whatever your members want. …

Wisdome Planning Checklist Read More »

How to start earning online – It all starts with the Content Platform Search for your business

Where do you start when you want to create a membership, create an online course or offer a coaching program? Building a site online to deliver your content (your knowledge based business) involves pieces to a puzzle, these are tech stacks that will piece together and help you create your membership, create your course, create …

How to start earning online – It all starts with the Content Platform Search for your business Read More »