Nikki’s Knowledge

Nikki Cali, the founder of  Wisdome is an advocate for creating confidence in using technology. Some of us cringe at the thought of creating content, some getting infront of a video, and others it’s quite simply using technology to grow our business. Nikki posts all the experience and advice she can give you to ensure you are never afraid to grow your business and take that tech step.

A man is carefully planning his membership business content.

How to Organise Your Membership Business Content For Maximum Impact

Creating life-changing content for your members to help them achieve specific goals is a sure way to keep them loyal to your business. As a knowledge-sharing business, your content should be designed to help your members get the results they’re looking for. What is necessary to structure membership content that engages and motivates members? Check […]

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Man and woman doing business planning in front of a laptop

How To Create a Compelling Mission and Vision Statement

Understanding why your business mission and vision is the foundation of a strong brand. It’s the reason behind your purpose and makes you stand out from your competitors. Think of it as your short “elevator pitch”, or at least a way to share why you are doing what you do. Creating a mission statement is

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5 Most Profitable Online Coaching Niches Plus Winning Sub-Niche Ideas

Are you looking for a profitable online coaching niche? You’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re going to talk about: How to find the right coaching niche  Online Coaching Market Growth The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the world’s largest organization of professional coaches. They estimate that there are 71,000 professional coaches worldwide in 2019, which

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Woman celebrating small wins.

Small Wins Matter: 5 Ways to Celebrate Small Victories

When working toward a big goal, the journey can sometimes feel pretty hard. It’s crucial to celebrate small wins along the way. Not only does this help keep you motivated, but it helps to increase feelings of engagement and satisfaction with your life as well. Here are some tips for finding joy in minor victories:

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How Organizational Change Can Benefit an Online Business

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new brand, Wisdome, for our content management and sharing platform. Building on the theme of wisdom and sharing knowledge — here you can securely share your knowledge and expertise with a community of professionals eager to learn from you. We’ve had an incredible journey so far, and

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A group of people doing aerobic exercise

How to Create an Online Course that Sells

If you’re looking to establish yourself as an authority in your field, foster a community of like-minded individuals around your business, and expand your reach, the best way to accomplish this goal is by creating an online course. It might sound intimidating, but with the right tools, support system, and planning, it’s easier than you

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