We only have 4 left at time of listing this… we will be taking this down soon!
Once live our prices will increase!
Live price $79 – Early offer from $45 per month (save $34/ month)
Live price $847 – Early offer from $540 per year (save $307/ year)
Your package will not commence until you have been sent your invite and created your account. You have 30 days RISK FREE use from the email date.
Your data will be saved, even whilst we are Beta testing. This phase will continue, however WISDOME will run continuously even during upgrades etc.
You will continue to see upgrades happening throughout the life of your subscription and all are free of charge.
We are planning a major upgrade phase during November/December, so during this time we will be in touch if we foresee anything that may effect you.
I really do believe you will love WISDOME and see the potential it has to grow even further. With my passion and drive to ensure this platform opens doors for content sharers and community creators, this platform will be upgrading with the funds that come in. However I also promise that if you for any reason are not happy with WISDOME and think it is just not right for you, please simply email us at within 30 days of our invite and we will refund your money back. We may only ask why, so we can better our support and services.