Delete Account Request


Please kindly follow these steps below to ensure your account is deleted according to your association with the Wisdome Platform.



1. Log into your account
2. Select the Support Graphic in the left side Menu bar


3. Select “Contact your instructor”


4. From here you can simply request via email to have your details deleted between you and your instructor.

5. The above steps should be taken once you have selected to UNSUBSCRIBE from your subscription, which is found inside your Personal Profile area.


Note: Wisdome cannot delete Members directly and it is a requirement that Instructors action this request from Members. Partners can delete members via the Member Section in their panels.



1. Log into your account
2. First UNSUBSCRIBE – Go to Settings then > Account Details

Scroll down to see Your Subscription . Next to this is an Unsubscribe button

3. Once Unsubscribed, please email our support team to manually DELETE your account details. Please email us at We will confirm your account deletion and all of your content and member details once we reconfirm this action with you to ensure the request is legitimate and sound. 



Note: Wisdome can only delete Partner / Instructor accounts directly. We cannot delete Members and it is a requirement that Instructors action this request from Members. Partners can delete members via the Member Section in their panels.